
Intercargo warning for Bauxite Liquefaction

Intercargo has sought to remind shipowners of the continued dangers associated with the carriage of bulk cargoes that may have a potential for liquefaction.The warning comes in the wake of the recent capsize and sinking of the 56,000-dwt MV Bulk Jupiter (built 2006) in the opening days of January, with the loss of 18 of its 19 crew.
INTERCARGO - The dry bulk industry association says the incident may again prove to be yet another casualty statistic in the long list of bulk carrier losses caused by cargo liquefaction. Intercargo has repeatedly expressed concern over the need for increased care and vigilance when bulk cargoes that have the potential for liquefaction are to be carried, and has achieved success through IMO towards improved testing and verification of the carriage conditions for iron ore fines and nickel ore cargoes
Bauxite appears to be another cargo that now requires the increased vigilance necessary to ensure safe carriage conditions are validated and maintained.
IMSBC Code states that many fine-particled cargoes, possessing sufficiently high moisture content, are liable to flow.
Thus any damp or wet cargo containing a proportion of fine particles should be tested for flow characteristics prior to loading. Port States have an obligation to ensure that the conditions of cargoes they permit to be loaded in their ports are safe for carriage.
Intercargo said that together with the International Group of P&I Clubs, it had met with the Maritime Attache, Alternate Permanent Representative of Malaysia to the IMO on Monday, for dialogue in an effort to help ensure all future solid bulk cargoes from Malaysian ports are verified safe to ship.