
To become a Ship Broker

In order to become a Ship Broker you  need to have good people skills which will enable while trying to negotiate business transactions with clients.
New grads also required to have basic computer knowledge which will enable them to carry out data-processing operations.
Hardest thing is to get used to unorthodox work hours and a capacitance to fulfil the designated responsibility are some of the other requirements aspirants need to possess.

To become a Ship Broker

There are certain specific examinations that individual need to appear and clear so as to become eligible for a ship broker’s profession. The Institute of Chartered Ship Brokers (ICS) is a recognised authority worldwide on the profession. The Institute of Chartered Ship Brokers (ICS) conducts comprehensive examinations in the subject of shipping brokering.

The Institute of Chartered Ship Brokers (ICS) Professional Qualifying Exams: Spread over a period of seven years, the professional qualifying exams (PQE) are an important examination offered by the institute.


The Institute of Chartered Ship Brokers (ICS) Diploma Examinations:  An interested candidate to become a shipping broker can also apply for the diploma programs offered by the institute. Diploma courses are of two types: the basic diploma course and the advanced diploma training program. The diploma courses have a total of nine subjects that a candidate needs to clear.
The Institute of Chartered Ship Brokers (ICS) offers Long distance learning programs through established centres of the institute, an e-learning training program and a day-to-day lectures program are the three choices provided.