
Intermarine 6 New Buildings 900 mtons Heavy Lifts

Intermarine, USA heavy-list specialist, said the 13,300-dwt Ecolift F900 vessels will be part of its "Fleet of the Future", when added to a 15-vessel orderbook. CEO Al Stanley said "Given the increased environmental regulations, we focused on developing a Fleet of the Future that meets the current and future standards, while providing a stable level of capacity for our clients – the Ecolift F900 meets those goals.The vessels are due for delivery from Hudong and Wenchong shipyards in China in 2017 and 2018. They will be chartered for nine years at an undisclosed rate.The vessels are an efficient upgrade to our existing bridge-forward F-Class ships. They have the advantage of better stability, larger holds, improved cranes 900 mtons and reduced consumption,”