Fearnleys Dry Bulk Market Report
Another uneventful week with fixtures concluded at last done levels, C5 levels remain
around the USD 3 mark, whilst C3 is still just short of USD 6. A couple of stronger
fixtures has been concluded in the Atlantic, mainly explained by ice conditions at load
The Atlantic activity has been reasonable taken the Easter days into account. Rates
in Northern Atlantic keep steady and Pmaxes obtain low 4k while Kmax being fixed
mid 4k for t/a rounds. Some charterers utilizing the favourable “low” rates locking in
coa’s these days. Grain houses active booking ships. S.American grain absorbing
tonnage and rates firmer for trips to Feast. Good Kmaxes fixed at high 6 and
7k+200bb to Feast. Pacific little slower after Easter and nopac round covered in the
low/mid 4. Aussie/India also in the low 4k. Some medium periods typical 6-8 months
covered at low 6k while 1-year Pmaxes obtain 4.8-4.9k now. Still expectations for the
grain ECSA on short term.
It is still decent activity out of the ECSA and rates are pushing up. Owners with
Ultramaxes are asking USD 10k+USD 100k GBB for trip Feast whereas for Continent
destination asking around USD 9k. It is not the same push out of the NCSA and
owners are ballasting towards USG for cargo coverage. In the Pacific, we see some
negative signs with owners fixing below 5k bss Spore for trips to full India. This is
below last done but for the longer duration trips via NoPac owners are asking 5.5-6k
DOP Feast rates whereas charterers are back to rating APS at lower levels. The
period market in the Pacific is back above the 5k mark and owners fixing out on
period in the Atlantic are closer to 6k.